The photographs to the album called Beautiful Helen were taken from 2008 to 2010.
The culmination of this work was the exhibition presented
in Nothburga Art Gallery in Innsbruck (Austria).

They evoke admiration and gaping mouths of little boys. In big and already mature men they awake memories and unfulfilled dreams. We all know them rushing, embarrassed and proudly whistling. They chug worried over their work, overcoming the hills and valleys. In the clouds of steam and smoke they carry their burdens. By their beauty they can make stop and hold luxury cars and their owners silently entranced. I saw Beautiful Helen for the first time when she was 70 years old. She was unusual, intriguing and truly beautiful. Great, proud and supercilious. She is so dear and near. In fact, I knew her from my childhood. I succumbed to the thrilling magic of the great bulk glistening with black and oil. I decided to get to know her and other locomotives where they rest, where after a tiring day and the long route they are repaired, fed and prepared for the next working day. And at night they mysteriously sleep puffing.
That’s what the story is about.
Mirosław Mizera

Mirosław Mizera – Christmas Eve Capricorn. He lives in Warsaw. His output so far consists of forty individual and several group exhibitions. He belongs to the Association of Artists- ZAiKS and Photoclub RP.


Inside this special publication dozens of atmospheric photographs are waiting for you. The album is published in a hard cover, in a stylish, varnished dust jacket. The excellent quality pictures were taken and printed on the elegant art paper. The descriptions were prepared in two languages: Polish and English. The whole fits together perfectly, creating a real feast for your eyes.
Number of pages: 80
Album Size: 30 x 30 cm
Price: 89 PLN